Do you want us to help you with your booking? Call us: +46 (0) 769 09 03 81. Add the number in your phone book to chat on Whatsapp.
You can book 09.00 – 21.00 / until the time it starts to get dark. If you want to book before 09.00 – contact us.

Because of darkness/safety the last time to be back is from the 1st of september – 19.30. During September the rental is open:
Monday – Friday 10.00/11.00 – 19.00/19.30
Saturday 09.00/10.00 – 19.00/19.30
Sunday 10.00/11.00 – 19.00/19.30

If you want to start earlier or do not see us around – Call +46 769 09 03 81 !

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